Brave Practice Playback Theatre Company

Brave Practice Celebrates Window Seat Media

Brave Practice helped our community share stories and listen deeply at our January 2021 fundraising event, which directly followed the devastating fire that destroyed our erstwhile office space.

Brave Practice performed Dec 17, 2021 at Olympia Lamplighters for Window Seat's Annual Fundraising Event

We gathered with safety precautions at Olympia Lamplighters for an evening of reflection on the theme of "spaces that spark" the evening of Friday, Dec 17th.

"We celebrated Window Seat Media's 5 years of community service and held space for our community to share stories - about the impacts of the recent fires, of swimming against the current, the warmth and frustrations of caring for pets, fears around the looming impacts of covid and community health, joys of watching grandchildren play and grow, and falling in love with community spaces that inevitably change." - Audience member

We felt how one person's story can become everyone's story witnessed in community. What a blessing.

Thank you Gotti Sweets, San Francisco Street Bakery, and Olympia Food Co-op for your generous food donations.

We are excited for the community collaborations, workshops, and performances to come!

Olympia Lamplighters Creative Workspace and Gallery